About The
Cyberbullying Toolkit for Tutors & Mentors |
Since we launched
our organization in 2003, we’ve found that
children share concerns with their volunteer tutors
and mentors that they do not tell anybody else.
Given the rise of cyber harassment (1 in 10 U.S.
teens have been bullied online or via their cell
phones), it’s essential that volunteer-driven
tutoring and mentoring programs equip their
volunteers with the resources they need to respond
appropriately when students come to them with news
that they’re being cyberbullied.
We worked with teen and Net-Generation expert
Vanessa Van Petten (www.onteenstoday.com)
to develop the following toolkit. The
Offers volunteer tutors and
mentors specific steps they can take to help
students address online harassment, and
Arms volunteers
with guidance they can provide to school
administrators, parents and guardians if they're
unfamiliar with appropriate steps to follow.
toolkit has been recognized by the U.S. Department
of Education's Mentoring Resource Center, the
Afterschool Alliance, and the State of Montana's
Prevention Resource Center.
We'd love your feedback on this resource!
Please send your thoughts to
The Cyberbullying Toolkit
for Tutors & Mentors
Authors: |
Vanessa Van Petten
(lead author) &
America Learns |
Topics: |
Cyber Issues;
Conflict Resolution |
Level: |
First Grade -
Twelfth Grade |
Arrangement: |
Small Group |
Materials: |
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Situation: |
Use this strategy to help
determine what you should do
when your student tells you
that she is having trouble
with somebody or is in an
uncomfortable situation
online or via cell phone
These situations can occur
via a number of media:
social networks (Facebook,
MySpace), instant
messaging services (AIM,
Google Talk), Internet
chat rooms or even online
games. As a result, your
student may feel threatened,
attacked, uncomfortable,
ostracized or left out.
Here’s just a sample
of what your student
may be a victim of.
Somebody may have:
Written a nasty note
or rumor on your
student’s Facebook
wall for everyone to
- Put up
pictures of your
student on her
school’s social
- Digitally imposed
your student’s head
onto a naked body
and passed it around
like it was real;
- Submitted your
student’s name and
picture to a site
like “Hot or Not”
for strangers to
rate how ugly she
- Created a website
or blog dedicated to
how much they hate
your student;
- Bated your student
into writing a mean
or weird instant
message and then
posted it all over
MySpace or the
- Created a fake
user account,
pretended to be hot,
flirted with your
student, and then
broke up with her,
told her that s/he
hates her, or told
her that she is too
ugly for him/her;
- Sent mean cell
phone text messages,
images or videos
directly to your
student or to others
in school about your
student ; or
- Harassed your
avatars or video
game players on
gaming websites. |
Step 1: |
Understand Two Important
Aspects of Online Bullying
It’s Instant & Ongoing.
Before, if you got into a
fight at school or found out
you were not invited to a
party, you were able to come
home, vent about it, get a
snack, cool off, and have
some space and time to think
about how you were going to
act in school during the
next several days. While
feelings of hurt or
embarrassment may come home
with you, there would
probably be a break from the
action that led you to feel
that way.
Now, if somebody is mad at
your student, that person
can instantly send a text
message to a social
networking profile to post a
mean comment. The second
something happens, everybody
in the school can know about
it because they all get
alerts or texts from
automated news feeds or
plugged-in friends. Teens
are posting and checking
these updates from cell
phones and computers
CONSTANTLY, so before what
took a few days to spread
(or what didn’t spread at
all), can now take just a
few minutes. And since
these messages can be posted
and read at any time, they
can follow your student
wherever she goes, on and
off campus. It’s more
challenging to find space to
cool off and reflect.
It May be Permanent.
Postings on a
Facebook wall, text
messages and e-mail messages
can be deleted. Other
things, such as photos or
social network
announcements, can be posted
forever or until the writer
removes them.
Also, even if somebody posts
an unflattering picture for
five minutes on a school
network before it’s removed,
others can easily download,
repost it, and/or pass it
around by e-mail
undetected. And don’t
forget the power of Google.
The search engine allows you
to pull up past versions of
a website, so even if items
have been removed, they may
still be accessed from
historical copies of the
site. |
2: |
Pinpoint Your Student's
Discuss the situation with
your student to discover her
role in the bullying.
Generally, you’ll find your
student in one of four
Victim: Your
student is being targeted,
threatened, attacked,
ostracized, left out or
abused in some way.
Your student is bullying
somebody else or is
“flaming.” Flaming is when
multiple students throw
attacks at one another.
When flaming occurs, every
participant may be a victim
and a bully.
Helpful Bystander:
Your student is witnessing
someone being hurt or
attacked online, and has
tried to resolve or mollify
the situation (e.g., trying
to calm the bully or telling
the victim to leave a
Facebook group, chat room or
gaming area).
Harmful Bystander:
Your student is observing or
knows that bullying is going
on, but is not reporting it
to anyone other than you.
Here’s a list of
questions you can
ask to help
determine the role
your student is
What, exactly, is
- How do you know
the person or people
- Have you seen this
person or these
people in person?
How often? When was
the last time you
saw them?
- How long has this
been happening for?
- How frequently
does it happen?
- Who else knows
about this? Have
you mentioned it to
your family? Have
you mentioned it to
any of your friends?
- Is anything
similar happening to
people you know?
- How safe do you
feel as a result of
what’s going on?
- Do you think that
the person or people
know your real name,
address, phone
number, and school? |
3: |
Immediate Actions to Take if
the Incident is “Playground
Gossip” Online
Most online bullying and
gossip is “playground
gossip.” In practice, it
looks like a onetime “dis”
or insult such as a curse
word in an instant message
or a ”de-friending” on
Facebook with the intention
of hurting feelings.
These actions were caused by
somebody the student knows,
such as neighbors or school
If this is the type of issue
your student is dealing
with, talk with her about
how she’s feeling and how
she could address the issue
Learns Network members
should check out various
conflict resolution
strategies for
additional tips on
discussing this issue).
Also encourage your student
Not engage the bully
immediately: Make
sure your student does
not retaliate or respond
to the bully while full
of emotion as doing so
may provoke the bully to
continue or increase the
severity or rate of his
or her actions. Since
Web and cell phone
communications do not
usually happen while the
attacker and victim are
face to face, your
student will likely be
able to take the time
she needs before (and
if) she responds.
Save all
correspondence with the
bully (you can do this
together): This
includes printing
instant message
conversations, printing
and saving all emails,
and taking screen shots
of harmful comments on
Facebook or MySpace
before removing them
from one’s profile.
Encourage your student
to also note the time
and date of all
incidents, the screen
names the bully used,
the bystanders of the
situation, and the names
of any chat rooms or
games involved.
If the incident was
Web-based, to
temporarily stop using
that particular social
Encourage her to spend
some time reflecting on
what happened and
deciding what, if any,
actions to take.
We encourage you to
also contact your
supervisor about
this in case it’s a
part of a larger
trend that you may
be unaware of, or if
it’s the beginning
of a trend that you
may not be around to
learn about.
Encourage your
supervisor to either
tell your student’s
parents about it or
ask your supervisor
if you can inform
the parents or
guardians. |
4: |
Steps to Take When the
Situation is More Serious
If the incident is anything
other than one-time
playground gossip, or if
it’s any action that was
done by somebody your
student doesn’t know, report
the issue immediately. Be
sure to tell your student
that you’re going to report
the incident because you
want to do what’s best for
her. Be sure that you keep
her updated of what’s going
on, and try to include her
in as many conversations as
Here’s the list of
individuals we recommend
that you connect with:
- Try to connect with your
supervisor first. Work with
her to determine who will
notify your student’s
parents or guardians.
If your supervisor and the
parents are not sure of next
steps, consider sharing
this list of actions
with the parents.
- If your
supervisor or your student’s
parents are unavailable, try
to notify a teacher or
school counselor of the
Oftentimes, teachers and
counselors have been
instructed how to address
these issues.
- If you can’t reach your
supervisor, your student’s
parents, teachers or
counselors, notify the
administrators of the
organization you tutor or
mentor through.
Once you
contact the appropriate
individuals, if they are not
sure of next steps, share
the list of actions
with them. |
Additional Resources: |
Check out additional
articles on cyberbullying at
Following are some links to
other articles written by
Vanessa Van Petten. She’d
love her you’re your
feedback on them.
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