Los Angeles Public Library

Los Angeles Public Library
Tutor/Teacher Training Video: Tutor/Teacher Training Video:


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Our Latest Strategy Our Latest Strategy
Check out Even if you can't sing (or the librarian shushes you)!
    – By our tutor, Allan Lakin

Los Angeles Public Library News
May is Asian Pacific Islander month. Celebrate, explore, read, and experience more at the library: https://lapl.org/asian-pacific

Thank you for continuing to share your time with us. Call us at 213-228-7540 or email literacy@lapl.org with any questions.

America Learns News
Certificates & Awards -- Check out the library!
Have you created your own certificates or awards?  Send them our way so that we can make them available to others!
Serving as a tutor and need to know what a certain term in "teacher's language" means? Click here.

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